Gary Zappelli
Daily Sunrise by Gary Zappelli
Here is today’s daily sunrise photo captured by Gary Zappelli For more photos or to add your own, join the Flickr Group below.
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Here is today’s daily sunrise photo captured by Gary Zappelli For more photos or to add your own, join the Flickr Group below.
It was recently discovered that Cambridge Analytica, a data analytics company, got access to more than 50 million Facebook users’ data in 2014. The data was overwhelmingly collected, shared, and stored without any user consent. The magnitude of this violation of user privacy reflects how Facebook’s terms of service and Read more…
Is March the new February in New England ? March 2018 sure seems to be that way. Winter Storm Riley bombed out off the New England coast and produced destructive impacts in the East March 1-4. Locals say they have not seen such waves in Revere MA. for many years. Coastal Read more…
We Have Exclusive never seen before photos of Beyonce’ Christmas shopping trip at Walmart! Click on the Link to view them ALL the Exclusive Photos from Gary Zappelli Gary Zappelli gets exclusive video of Beyonce shopping at WalMart – Check out the Video Here